The Punisher
The Punisher Game For PC
PC Game | English | ISO | 249MB
Minimum Requirements
-98(se)/ME/2000/XP (only)
-1 GHZ Pentium III or AMD Athlon XP processor
-128 MB RAM
-64MB DirectX 8.1 compatible AGP card with hardware transform
and lighting
-2G free hard drive space
-DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
-1 GHZ Pentium III or AMD Athlon XP processor
-128 MB RAM
-64MB DirectX 8.1 compatible AGP card with hardware transform
and lighting
-2G free hard drive space
-DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
-2 GHz Intel Pentium 4 or alent
-256 MB system RAM
-nVidia GeForce 4 or ATI Radeon 8500 or alent with 128MB
of Video RAM
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